2024년 겨울학기(Winter) 연수생 모집
1. 교육기간 및 접수기간 (Schedule)
학기 / Semester |
교육기간 / Course |
접수기간 / Registration |
비고 |
2024 – 겨울학기
(2024- Winter) |
2024.12.06. ~ 2025.02.20. |
2024.09.02. ~ 2024.10.18 |
2. 개요 (Semester Information)
The number of student |
Class hours |
Registeration fee |
Course fee |
학급별 15명 내외
15 in a class |
10주/주5일, 1일 4시간 수업 (총200시간)
10 weeks course/ 5days per week,4 hours per 1 day
(Total 200 hours) |
(KRW) |
3. 제출서류 (Required Documents)
1) 지원서 Application Form
2) 여권사본 Copy of Passport
3) 최종학교 졸업증명서& 성적증명서
High school (or Undergraduate) Official Transcripts and SCertificate of Graduation / Certificate of Graduation Apostilled [original]
4) 1천만원 계좌증명서
Certificate of deposit balance of applicant with an minimum of 10,000,000 KRW [original]
5) 신분증 (부, 모)
Copy of Identification (Both Parents)
6) 가족관계증명서
Official document indication parent child relationship between the applicant and his/her parents [original]
7) 경제담보인(부모) 재직증명서 & 소득증명서
Certificate of employment and certificate of Income(Parents’) [original]
8) Please send the copies of documents via e-mail(klec@mjc.ac.kr) then originals via EMS
※ 1) ~ 7) 원본 서류 우편으로 접수
1) Applicants send(via POST)the required documents to the Office of MJC KLEC
2) MJC KLEC review the documents & Notifies the result
3) Applicants make a payment
4) MJC KLEC Sends Certificate of Admission to Applicants
5) Applicants apply for visa where Korean Consulate located on their home country
6) Applicants arrive in korea(Inchen airport)
※ MJC KLEC : Myongji College Korean Language Education Center
5. 기타 (Note) : Certain countries MUST regitser 4 semesters (1year)
일부 국가 신청자는 4개학기 등록을 필수로 해야 함
6. 기숙사 (Dormitory)
65,000 KRW/per week, , 2 person 1 room
7. 문의처 (Contact Information)
klec@mjc.ac.kr 02-300-1298/1288