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★ 2024년 겨울학기(Winter)) 연수생 모집

공지사항 게시판 ★ 2024년 겨울학기(Winter)) 연수생 모집의 상세정보 - 작성자, 조회수, 날짜 첨부파일로 구성
작성자 한국어교육센터 조회수 170 날짜 2024-08-26

application_form_2024년 겨울학기_지원서_한글.doc

MJC KLEC Application Form-Eng_영문.doc

2024년 겨울학기(Winter) 연수생 모집


1. 교육기간 및 접수기간 (Schedule)

학기 / Semester

교육기간 / Course

접수기간 / Registration


2024 겨울학기

(2024- Winter)

2024.12.06. ~ 2025.02.20.

2024.09.02. ~ 2024.10.18


2. 개요 (Semester Information)


The number of student


Class hours


Registeration fee


Course fee

학급별 15명 내외

15 in a class

10/5, 14시간 수업 (200시간)

10 weeks course/ 5days per week,4 hours per 1 day

(Total 200 hours)






3. 제출서류 (Required Documents)

1) 지원서 Application Form

2) 여권사본 Copy of Passport

3) 최종학교 졸업증명서& 성적증명서

High school (or Undergraduate) Official Transcripts and SCertificate of Graduation / Certificate of Graduation Apostilled [original]

4) 1천만원 계좌증명서

Certificate of deposit balance of applicant with an minimum of 10,000,000 KRW [original]

5) 신분증 (, )

Copy of Identification (Both Parents)

6) 가족관계증명서

Official document indication parent child relationship between the applicant and his/her parents [original]

7) 경제담보인(부모) 재직증명서 & 소득증명서

Certificate of employment and certificate of Income(Parents’) [original]

8) Please send the copies of documents via e-mail(klec@mjc.ac.kr) then originals via EMS

※ 1) ~ 7) 원본 서류 우편으로 접수



1) Applicants send(via POST)the required documents to the Office of MJC KLEC

2) MJC KLEC review the documents & Notifies the result

3) Applicants make a payment

4) MJC KLEC Sends Certificate of Admission to Applicants

5) Applicants apply for visa where Korean Consulate located on their home country

6) Applicants arrive in korea(Inchen airport)

MJC KLEC : Myongji College Korean Language Education Center

5. 기타 (Note) : Certain countries MUST regitser 4 semesters (1year)

일부 국가 신청자는 4개학기 등록을 필수로 해야 함


6. 기숙사 (Dormitory)

65,000 KRW/per week, , 2 person 1 room


7. 문의처 (Contact Information)

klec@mjc.ac.kr 02-300-1298/1288


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